Put on your thinking cap, because your knowledge is in demand. For the very first time in the history of the Grand Casino Bern, we will not only be gambling, but also guessing. What is James Bond's favorite drink? Or do you know the capital of Haiti?
Prove your knowledge and get your hands on some great prizes.
Next available dates:
Wednesday, February 5th 2025
Wednesday, March 5th 2025
19.30: Gallery opening
20.00: Start Quiz Night
ca. 22.30: End of Event
Register now as a team. A maximum of 4 people are allowed per team. One package must be booked per person.
Realization of the event from 12 people.
Guests must prove their identity with official means of identification before being admitted to the Grand Casino Bern (Article 54 of the Swiss Gambling Act [Geldspielgesetz – BGS]).
The following documents are accepted, provided they are still valid* and issued in Latin script: passports and identity cards permitting the holder to cross the border, driving licences, diplomatic identity cards, Swiss foreign national identity cards (B, C, Ci, G, L), Swiss credentials cards for civil servants within the Swiss government, the cantons and the municipalities, and casino customer cards, provided authorisation has been obtained from the Swiss Federal Gaming Board (FGB). The identity documents must feature a photo and state the last name, first name and date of birth.
* According to the Swiss Federal Gaming Board (FGB), valid forms of identification include those foreign passports or identity cards which permit the holder to cross the border in accordance with the directives of the Swiss Federal Office for Migration, as well as Swiss passports and identity cards which expired no more than five years ago.